martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

The five biggest snakes on the planet

The five biggest snakes on the planet

Burmese Python: It is a constrictor snake of a peaceful nature. It was originally developed in regions such as India, Nepal and Pakistan. Its average length is an impressive 3.8 meters, but specimens have been found that exceed five meters in length.

Amethyst python: It is of a typical brown color with dark or black spots. It can usually be found in the trees of Australia and Papua New Guinea. It can weigh 90 kilograms and measure no less than 8.5 meters in length.

Anaconda verde: A constrictor species that holds the prize for the heaviest of all the snakes, although not the longest, since the reticulated python wins in this category. Even so, these species can easily exceed 10 meters in length.

Titano Boa: It is considered the ancestral species of anacondas. He lived on Earth more than 60 million years ago, and although many consider it extinct, some scientists do not rule out that it may still exist among us. The registered size of these colossi: 12.5 meters.

Reticulated Python: Originally from Southeast Asia, the reticulated python is considered the longest snake in the world. The longest specimen found to date came to measure 14.8 meters long, weighing approximately 450 kilograms.

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