jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

Python snakes

On the mythological and cultural level, the python has caused great repercussions since the times of ancient Greece. The mythological monster of similar name, would have been born from the hand of mother earth to protect the oracle of Delphi until the arrival of the god Apollo, who would kill the animal and sow the legend around these species, which also become famous for its impressive length and its elegant appearance.

To stimulate the mystic aura that surrounds them, several indications were given in 2003, of gigantic specimens in Sumatra, Indonesia. Although these facts were later discredited, it is no less true that the reticulated snake, which we will talk about later, bears the title of being the longest snake in the world, reaching up to eight meters in length.
DESCRIPTION   Often, python snakes are often confused with boas (even several sources place them in the Boido family). However, the latter are of the ovoviviparous type, while the python deposits its eggs outside the body from the first moments of gestation. In addition, the presence of teeth in the premaxillary area of ​​the upper jaw can be evidenced, a feature totally absent in the aforementioned boas.    

In this sense, these animals are located under the family Pythonidae, and encompass a group of snakes constrictors and large, but not at all aggressive. His relationship with man has not reported unpleasant attacks. Unfortunately, in the opposite direction, indiscriminate hunting and animal abuse have occurred, to the point that one of the subspecies, the Indian python, is currently in danger of extinction.

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