viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018
snake real coralillo
It is also called a rattrap or milk snake, since it was often found near cattle stables and the belief that it was stealing milk from cows spread all over the world. It measures between 30 centimeters and 2 meters in length, its coloration resembles the coral snake Micrurus fulvius, although the sequence of colors is different.
It usually has 2 color patterns, the first is bicolored, red and black; the other one is tricolor, red, black and yellow, or orange, or white, in these the red ones go inside 2 black lines. The head is black. The tongue is black. Its habitat is very diverse, it is found in semi-arid to humid areas, low areas, rocky mountains, forests, hills, savannas, meadows, sand dunes. This is an ophidian with a great distribution, from Canada, Mexico, Central America to South America. Its diet consists mainly of rodents, birds, eggs, amphibians, insects and even other snakes.
Snakes or snakes are a type of reptile that is characterized mainly by the lack of legs. Its anatomy, characterized by an elongated body, is prepared to allow a movement without the need for limbs: they can move comfortably both on land and in water. They have skin covered with scales, a skeleton that gives them a lot of flexibility and a forked tongue. Some species kill their prey by constriction - for example, boas - but others do it by means of the poison they inoculate with their teeth when they bite their victims. All members of this species are carnivorous animals.
The most beautiful snakes without poison
The king snake: it is small and suitable to have it as a pet. It is able to dominate other snakes, even being poisonous as corals or rattles, since it does not affect the venom of these.
The snakes without poison are calm and can be the perfect pets, but we have to have them in the right conditions, with a terrarium adapted to their size and species, and having to feed them with live prey.
It is difficult to make a selection. If you like these reptiles, they will all look pretty, although there are some that by their colors or size can fascinate you even more. Our small selection of the five nicest non-venomous snakes is as follows
The most beautiful snakes without poison
Snakes are reptiles without legs, with a long and scaly body in their dorsal part. The belly of the snakes is covered by thin parts. They do not have eyelids and their eyes remain immobile.
They have an extremely long tongue so that they can project it outwards thanks to the structure of their jaws.
Main characteristics of snakes
The main characteristics of these reptiles are:
Its skeleton: made up of the bony head, the spine and the ribs that are supported by the vertebrae.
His mouth: they can open their mouths enormously because their jaw is joined to the bones by elastic ligaments. In its lower part, the jaw is joined to the skull by the square bone, which is a long, movable bone that enables the skull and jaw to separate. They swallow their whole prey, without cutting or chewing them, starting at the head and making it progress slowly through their digestive tract. The larger the prey, the more the bones of your jaw will separate to expand your oral cavity. The position of its teeth is tilted inward so that once the prey is inside, it can not back off.
Locomotion: move with serpentine, undulating or straight movements.
Different types of snakes: poisonous and non-poisonous If you like these reptiles you should know that snakes can be poisonous or not and you should know the main characteristics of them. POISONOUS SNAKES All snakes have teeth that serve only to retain their prey, but in the case of poisonous snakes, they also have two special teeth in front, to inject venom directly into the prey. A poison produced by their salivary glands, which in the case of poisonous snakes are called poisonous glands. When the poisonous snake prepares to bite, the teeth are straightened and when the mouth is opened the glands are tightened to load the poison teeth. When biting, the animal inoculates the poison as if by means of an injection.
7 biggest snakes in the world
Snakes are not a holy devotion for many. Even so, we all recognize that they are incredibly designed animals with aptitudes that many of us would like. Today we are going to talk to you about the biggest snakes in the world, a curiosity that we will all like to know
The biggest snakes in the world
Before we start with our list of the biggest snakes in the world, we'll tell you something: if you see any of those that are here, run!
Anaconda green This snake lives in South America and can measure between 4 and 5 meters and a half. Although it is true that there are other species that can measure more, the anaconda is on this list by its thickness, and can weigh about 220 kilos or more. In fact, to support his own weight, most of his life is spent in the water.
Viper yellow beard snake (Bothrops atrox)
Among the most poisonous snakes of the Amazon, we find the viper Bothrops atrox, a species that has carried out a high number of lethal attacks on human beings. This alarming amount of bites to people is explained not only by the reactive nature of the snake, but also by its great adaptation to inhabited areas. Despite living naturally in the vast forests, snakes "yellow beard" were accustomed to find abundant food in the environments of cities and towns, as human waste often attract mice, lizards, birds, etc. They are large snakes, which can easily reach 2 meters in length. They can be found in brown, olive or grayish tones, with or without streaks and spots. These vipers stand out for their very effective and ingenious hunting strategy. Thanks to an organ known as "loreal pits", which is located between its snout and its eyes, they are able to easily detect the body heat of warm-blooded animals. By identifying the presence of some prey, the snake camouflages itself among leaves, branches or other components of the road and there waits patiently until it recognizes the exact moment for a lethal attack. And they rarely fail
Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)
The famous anaconda is a constricting snake endemic to the Amazonian rivers, which makes up the family of boas. Although it is recognized as the heaviest species of snake, since it can weigh more than 220 kg, there are controversies about whether or not it is the largest. This is because the so-called reticulated python (Python reticulatus) is usually a few centimeters longer than anacondas, although its body weight is much lower.
In spite of its bad reputation conquered in great part by the films that took their name, the anacondas hardly attack the human beings, since we are not part of their trophic chain. That is, anacondas do not attack humans to feed themselves. The rare attacks of anaconda to people are defensive, when the animal feels threatened or attacked in some way. Actually, snakes in general have a rather elusive rather than aggressive character. If they can escape or hide to save energy and avoid a confrontation, surely they will.
jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018
evolution of snake
The evolution of snakes is a subject that keeps several questions unanswered. Much has been studied about its evolution, but the lack of prehistoric pieces makes research a little more difficult, since it is worth mentioning that the bones of skulls and some body parts are fragile and disintegrate quickly. What can be affirmed is that they belong to the genus Ophidia, from which several extinct subgroups emerge, Serpentes being the only one that survives.
Fossils found from prehistoric snakes show that they had small hind limbs. Scientists have tried to verify whether thousands or millions of years ago these reptiles were morphologically very different from what we see today.
Current Pythons and Boas still retain vestiges of such hind legs now known as anal spurs used for mating. A very strange fact is that no vestiges of forelegs have been found in any existing species.
The scientists suppose that the loss of limbs was due to a better adaptation of the body to move on paved grounds. The multiple scales that surround your body protect them from harmful elements and apart they grant them an easy mobility, to such an extent to make the extremities something unnecessary.
Another question that is tried to solve, is if the snakes come from terrestrial or aquatic species, since at present they inhabit in both ecosystems, reason why it is not known for certain if the marine ones arose in terrestrial surroundings, or the other way around.
A prevailing theory states that modern snakes evolved from aquatic lizards in the mid-Cretaceous period. 112 million years old have the oldest fossils known to date, located in Utah, the United States, and Algeria, Africa.
The mosasaurs were long marine reptiles that are now extinct. The reconstruction of its external appearance results in a long animal with a tail that finishes in tip and fins to propel itself underwater. The American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope, said that mosasaurs are close ancestors of snakes, but this was questioned the decade of the 90's by other scientists who made new discoveries.
Pachyrhachis was a genus of snakes, also extinct, from which it was concluded that they had well-developed hind legs and were very similar morphologically to marine snakes. They were found in Ein Yabrud, a town in Palestine.
The anatomy of snakes is a broad subject from which much information can be written, since each of the species is unique and contains interesting peculiarities that do not recur in other relatives.
They vary a lot in length, thickness, color and physical characteristics. A python is very different from a cobra; a black mamba is also very different from a rattle. All these variations are related to their type of life, their habitat, the techniques of capture and their ancestors.
The green snake is the anaconda, but in length it can be overcome by the reticulated python.
The Barbados thread snake (Leptotyphlops carlae) is considered to be one of the smallest species in the world, if not the smallest with only 10 cm long. The thickest and heaviest is the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) with more than 200 kilos, but in length it can be surpassed by the reticulated python (Python reticulatus), which reaches 7 meters in length in the most colossal specimens.
If that data is surprising, there are records of genres whose exponents were more than 12 meters long! but today they are extinct. Can you imagine finding something like that?
Black snakes with yellow rings in Georgia
The hot summers and mild winters of Georgia make it a popular habitat for a large number of snakes. More than 40 species of snakes inhabit the state, many of which are black with yellow rings. Some species have yellow rings to warn potential predators of their poisonous bite, while others use yellow coloration to create an optical illusion to evade predators.
snakes in georgia
The Appalachian Mountains and the eastern deciduous forests characterize the geography of Georgia. The state has peach, wet marshy valleys and dry peaks. Georgia's characteristic landscape allows the state to sustain a diverse population of snakes. Snake enthusiasts or simply anyone who wants to be careful in the forest should be able to identify snakes, black rat snakes, corn snakes, scarlet kingsnakes and wooden snakes.
Copperheads are the snakes most commonly found in the Atlanta area. This poisonous snake has bands of dark brown stripes and a triangular head. It has a pink or copper body. Cobriza, which can grow up to 40 inches long, thrive in leaf litter. They can cause a very painful sting when provoked. In Atlanta, the viper is the only poisonous snake. Rattlesnakes and moccasins of wood, which are also poisonous, live on the outskirts of the city or its neighboring forests.
Black rat snake
One of the most common snakes in Georgia is the black rat snake. This snake can reach up to 5 feet in length and has different characteristics, such as a jet black color and faint white stripes between its scales. Young black rat snakes can vary in color from dark gray to green, and have a white belly. Fortunately, this snake is innocuous and not aggressive to humans.
Corn snakes
The corn snake is orange with spots that can be a combination of black, white, pink or yellow. These snakes can reach a length of 4 feet. A young corn snake may be able to climb, while old corn snakes tend to thrive in litters of leaves. Corn snakes are not poisonous and relatively harmless. Many pet stores in Georgia sell corn snakes as pets.
pine snake
Pine snakes are relatively large snakes that change color and pattern. They can be found throughout Georgia. A fully grown pine snake can reach up to 5 feet in length and can have dark, irregular patches on its body yellow or gray. Pine snakes dig burrows in the dry mountain forests and crests. These snakes feed on a wide variety of prey, including small rodents, toads and even bird eggs. When approached, the pine snake will shake its tail and hiss. Even though the pine snake is not poisonous, its sting can be painful.
Scarlet Kingsnake
The poisonous scarlet kingsnake is one of the most prominent snakes in Georgia. As a defense mechanism, the kingsnake resembles the poisonous coral snake, which has a bright red, black and yellow pattern. Kingsnakes are small snakes, not more than 2 feet long. They are nocturnal and feed on lizards, rodents and even other snakes.
The rattlesnake is a large, corpulent snake whose color ranges from bright to solid brown or black. This rattlesnake is the largest poisonous snake in Georgia, reaching a length of about 5 feet. Categorized as a rattlesnake, wooden rattlesnakes have two heat sensitive organs "pit" located between their eyes and nose. These organs can detect temperature differences within the environment, making these snake predators highly effective
Drawings of snakes
Snakes are wonderful animals. Some are poisonous, but they are not the largest in the group. Snakes that are not poisonous are called constrictors, because they strangle their prey to devour it. For example, boas and pythons are not poisonous snakes, while cobras and snakes can be dangerous. Here you will be able to know them all through these snake drawings to download. If you wish, you can color them, share them on Facebook or add them to your collection. As you can see, we have included a large number of snake drawings to paint and color, all of them very funny, in full color, and with spectacular images of snakes in their habitat. If you like children's drawings, whether to print, download or share with your friends, do not think twice and get our pictures. You will surely have a great time coloring the snakes, and when you finish, you can take them with you or show them on the walls of your room. We are sure that when you know these beautiful snake drawings, you will not resist the curiosity to know and learn a little more about these animals, how they live, what they eat and what their habits of life are. When you want to get more images, we'll be waiting for you with our children's drawings so you can continue having fun and painting many more snakes. If you want to start right now, just click on the snake pattern that you liked the most, or maybe, download them all at the same time. We are sure you will love it. To paint!
Ladder snake
The stair serpent, also known as the stair snake, is a species of snake that lives in the Iberian peninsula and in some Mediterranean regions of France. Beyond these areas you can also find it on the island of Menorca.
Characteristics of the staircase snake
The stair serpent is a robust and large species that can reach up to one meter sixty in length in some cases. Its head is very well differentiated and it is strong and wide while its snout is really prominent in relation to its lower jaw. The scale of the face of this snake is large and very visible and located between the internal areas. As for its dorsal scales, it is worth noting that these are bright and very smooth, being also pleasant to the touch, while its tail is really short.
The females and the males do not differ much but the seconds usually have the head and the tail wider and longer while the females have more ventral scales. A part of this, it should be noted that there are appreciable differences between the different ages of the snakes, because while the newborns do not exceed 30 centimeters and have a classic staircase design with two longitudinal farms that end up joining the tail and have a color between gray and yellow with spots, adults are getting darker and brown, with thinner lines. As they become large, they lose the "rungs" or transverse lines and when they measure about 95 centimeters, they only have the design with the longitudinal lines
Where does the stair serpent live?This type of snakes can live in many different places of the Mediterranean areas but they are usually found in clear Mediterranean terrains such as bushes or places where there are many stone rocks, as well as they appear in different types of meadows and crops.
They are also found in the sierra, in holm oak forests, in river groves, in humid meadows, and even in dumps and urbanizations, since they always choose habitats where there are many dams and if the terrain is very dry they are placed in the boundaries, since they are more humid. Even specimens have been found up to 1,350 meters above sea level, specifically in Guadarrama. Normally it is a specimen that usually hibernates from the month of November to the month of March. Between May and June it is much easier to find male specimens. On the other hand, the females are much more hidden at that time and when they are easily located it is in the months of September and October. The easiest thing is to find these copies in general in August. It is a kind of diurnal snake, although on the hottest days of the year it also comes out at night because it really likes the heat of the asphalt of the roads. They rest under large stones and usually move about 100 meters each day, although their total living space can be greater than one hectare.
Reproduction of the staircase snake The ladder snake is a kind of reptile that usually breeds between the months of April and June, although it usually does so in May and June. At this time copulation occurs, which can have a duration of one hour. A month later the females lay their eggs under trunks or stones, as well as in burrows or huras and they usually lay 4 to 14 eggs. These animals also lay eggs in the leaf litter and even in small holes that they themselves excavate. The eggs of ladder snakes are white and are between 26 and 33 millimeters in width, as well as up to more than 50 in length. The females take care of the place where they have laid the eggs for several days and almost all of them reproduce every year. It will be between 1 and two and a half months later (55 or 69 days normally) when the eggs hatch, in the month of September almost always, or at the beginning of October in some cases. When they are born, the young will not feed until the first molt and their feeding will consist of first insects and small mammals, like rats or rabbits, later. The females of this type of reptile reach sexual maturity with 5 years and 65 centimeters while the males do it with less age and 50 centimeters. These animals in freedom can get to live about 20 years, although this is exceptional and the average life is many years less
Python snakes
On the mythological and cultural level, the python has caused great repercussions since the times of ancient Greece. The mythological monster of similar name, would have been born from the hand of mother earth to protect the oracle of Delphi until the arrival of the god Apollo, who would kill the animal and sow the legend around these species, which also become famous for its impressive length and its elegant appearance.
To stimulate the mystic aura that surrounds them, several indications were given in 2003, of gigantic specimens in Sumatra, Indonesia. Although these facts were later discredited, it is no less true that the reticulated snake, which we will talk about later, bears the title of being the longest snake in the world, reaching up to eight meters in length.
DESCRIPTION Often, python snakes are often confused with boas (even several sources place them in the Boido family). However, the latter are of the ovoviviparous type, while the python deposits its eggs outside the body from the first moments of gestation. In addition, the presence of teeth in the premaxillary area of the upper jaw can be evidenced, a feature totally absent in the aforementioned boas.
In this sense, these animals are located under the family Pythonidae, and encompass a group of snakes constrictors and large, but not at all aggressive. His relationship with man has not reported unpleasant attacks. Unfortunately, in the opposite direction, indiscriminate hunting and animal abuse have occurred, to the point that one of the subspecies, the Indian python, is currently in danger of extinction.
TAXONOMY OF THE SERPENTS »Complete description. Snakes or snakes are reptiles that belong to the order Squamata and that comprises a group of more than 20 different families, knows in detail below the taxonomy of snakes
Animalia Kingdom
Philo Chordata
Subphylus Vertebrata
Sauropsida class
Subclass Diapside
Infraclase Lepidosauromorpha
Superorder Lepidosauria
Order Squamata
Suborder Serpentes
martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018
Taipan snakes
The fact of being Australia, one of the continents with the largest poisonous species in our planet is striking. The list is composed of specimens as varied as the spider Atrax robustus or the sea wasp, a jellyfish that inhabits the waters north of the continent along with other species of fish (Synanceja) and octopus (Hapalochlaena lunulata) equally dangerous.
In the case of reptiles, there is no exception, the taipan snake integrates the list of the most poisonous snakes in the world, with a bite that is capable of killing a hundred adults or a quarter of a million mice. Simply amazing.
Its danger surpasses with advantage to many vipers, although encounters with humans are very few. Fortunately, it is a species that prefers to flee before confronting, although it is usually quite aggressive in mating seasons.
Description: The taipan snake has similarities with other specimens such as the Mulga snake or the Oriental Brown snake. At present, three species of these snakes are known under the genus Oxyuranus, being the taipan of the interior (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), which possesses the most lethal poison of the terrestrial globe. While the coastal variety of this snake has brownish tones that are accentuated on the sides, the interior taipan presents darker tones of brown or olive green. The presence of these colors is strongly linked to the meteorological changes and the seasons of the year (mimicry), which allows them to have a spectacular camouflage to go unnoticed and capture their prey more easily.As for the scales that they present, they are smooth and of a yellowish tone especially in the lower part of the animal. The head is usually darker than the rest of the body, favoring greater absorption of heat. It should also be noted, its impressive speed, despite having a considerable length that varies between 1.5 and 3 meters, even more.
The rest of his sisters are the taipan of the coast and the central taipan, the latter recently found and of which very little is known. The name Taipan comes from a term used by the Australian natives to describe their discoverer Donald Thomson.
Cobra real or Cobra of Burmania
This is one of the most impressive cobras you can find, as it is considered the longest poisonous snake in the world. The royal cobra (Ophiophagus Hannah). From head to tail it is capable of easily measuring up to 3.7 meters, but specimens of more than 5 meters and a half have been found. It is not a very corpulent snake, on the contrary, it has a thin body that moves with great ease inhabiting areas of southern China, Vietnam, Indonesia and surroundings. We can see in these snakes that their eyes are of intense bronze color, and their body is brownish or in many cases of olive color.
It feeds by day, unlike other species and its main food is composed by other snakes, which may even be poisonous, although it can feed on small mammals. The poison of the Burmese cobra is very toxic and can kill a person.
Boa snake
The Boas are snakes that belong to a tropical family of non-poisonous snakes. They are strong and large animals, usually about 5 or 6 meters, although sometimes it has even measured 10 meters.
Its usual place is the humid zones of the forests. Some is aquatic, as is the case with the anaconda. As a general rule, they are nocturnal animals and they all kill their prey by drowning them when they roll around.
Boas are classified into two families, pythons and boinae. Both belong to the group of henophidias. The boa snake has no fangs and is not poisonous. Also, it does not usually attack man. Its main function in the ecosystem is to reduce rodents that mainly affect agriculture.
Boas is a threatened animal, since its number has been reduced considerably over time, so its population must be controlled.
The boa constrictor has a smaller size than the anaconda, about 3 or 5 meters. Its color can vary between cinnamon, dark brown and black, which correspond to the colors of the trees through which this animal slides. The boa is a gentle snake, quite the opposite of its familiar anaconda. The boa constrictor is the second snake in size that exists in America, it is an animal that domesticates easily.
Even so, it has several common characteristics as being constrictive and not poisonous. Both can be in the water and are good swimmers, although the boa prefers the terrestrial environment. The two worry about their children, once they are born. Both have the elastic ligament in their mouths that allows them to swallow larger animals than them.
Boas are nocturnal animals and can hunt in low light. They have thermal detectors on their lips that allow them to locate warm-blooded animals.
Las boas constrictor son animales ovovíparos, que significa que los huevos se mantienen en los genitales de las hembras hasta que brota.
Son reptiles de alto valor comercial debido a que son animales llamativos por sus colores. Son capturados por su carne y para tenerlas como animal doméstico, pero principalmente por su piel, que es utilizada en la elaboración de productos manufacturados como zapatos, cintos, etc.
Las boas constrictor están declaradas como “especie amenazada” por la Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecología mediante la publicación del Diario Oficial de la Federación en Mayo de 1991. Otro tipo de boa es la boa esmeralda (arbícola). Cuando nace es de color rojo y al cumplir los 6 meses de vida, pasa a ser de color verde intenso, con el vientre amarillo. Su longitud media se sitúa en los 3 metros. Pasa toda su vida en los árboles y le gusta descansar colgando de una rama.
Anaconda snake
They belong to the boas family. It is also known as "the water boa". It has been exaggerated enough on the subject of its size, but usually do not exceed 10 meters, sometimes reaching 12 meters.
The anaconda is the largest snake in the world and its scientific name is that of "eunectes murinus". Its diameter is around 30 centimeters and it weighs approximately 200 kilos.
She lives near river courses and is an excellent swimmer. In fact, it is difficult to find it out of the water since it spends most of its time submerged, only showing its head, since its eyes and nostrils are on the top of its head.
They can stay up to 10 minutes under water. The anaconda is not a poisonous snake, it is a constrictor. This means that it kills its prey by suffocating, twisting it with their body and not letting it breathe, until they die, or submerging them in the water until they drown.
Once they kill their prey, they swallow it completely. The digestion process can last several days, even if the prey is very large it can reach two weeks. Meanwhile, the anaconda, will be in lethargy. The digestive muscular contractions are so strong that it can be heard how, inside the snake, the bones of its prey are being crushed. He rarely moves until he digests what he swallows and feels hungry again.
Anacondas are carnivorous animals. Their diet is based on large rodents, fish, frogs, birds and other aquatic reptiles. Its reproduction is ovoviviparous. Its gestation lasts about 6 months and has litters of between 20 and 50 offspring, although sometimes it is a larger number.
The five most poisonous snakes on the planet
Taipan of the interior: Its poison is considered the most toxic among all the snakes. Barely 100 mg of this liquid could knock down 100 humans and a quarter of a million mice. However, it is a peaceful species and to date there are no recorded cases of attacks on humans.
Blue Krait: It lives in the South region of Asia and Indonesia. The Kraits are extremely aggressive, and are even capable of killing each other. Although they prefer to flee to face, a snake bite is capable of killing an adult in less than 6 hours, even receiving medical attention on time.
Taipan of the coast: When the poison of the taipan penetrates an organism, it will quickly block the arteries and coagulate the blood until the death of the victim. In less than an hour, anyone can lose their life, although antidotes have been developed that work in most cases.
Brown oriental: This species is native to the Australian continent and is considered the second most poisonous snake in the world. Unfortunately for some people, this snake lives in the most populated region of Australia, so there are many cases of bites that are recorded every year
Black Mamba: The black mamba is the most poisonous snake on the African continent. Its aggressive nature, its great speed and its lethal poison, make this species one of the most feared on our planet. To have an idea: a bite can kill up to 30 adults
Curious facts about snakes
Curious facts about snakes
The smallest species in the world is the snake thread of Barbados and was discovered in the year 2006. They are just 10 cm long. The brightly colored snakes are the most poisonous, although some subspecies also possess this characteristic to fool their enemies. Snakes can flatten your belly to plan among the trees. A snake can stay up to two years without feeding. Snakes give the impression that they sleep with their eyes open, since their eyelids are transparent. The specimens of the masculine sex possess two penises that alternate during the copulation. The viper of Russell is the one that greater cases of deaths register every year. The venom of the snake offspring is much more lethal than that of the adult specimens. The highest recorded speed of a snake is only 6 km / h. Anacondas can strangle with a force of 20 tons.
The five biggest snakes on the planet
The five biggest snakes on the planet
Burmese Python: It is a constrictor snake of a peaceful nature. It was originally developed in regions such as India, Nepal and Pakistan. Its average length is an impressive 3.8 meters, but specimens have been found that exceed five meters in length.
Amethyst python: It is of a typical brown color with dark or black spots. It can usually be found in the trees of Australia and Papua New Guinea. It can weigh 90 kilograms and measure no less than 8.5 meters in length.
Anaconda verde: A constrictor species that holds the prize for the heaviest of all the snakes, although not the longest, since the reticulated python wins in this category. Even so, these species can easily exceed 10 meters in length.
Titano Boa: It is considered the ancestral species of anacondas. He lived on Earth more than 60 million years ago, and although many consider it extinct, some scientists do not rule out that it may still exist among us. The registered size of these colossi: 12.5 meters.
Reticulated Python: Originally from Southeast Asia, the reticulated python is considered the longest snake in the world. The longest specimen found to date came to measure 14.8 meters long, weighing approximately 450 kilograms.
What types of snakes are there
What types of snakes are there
Our planet is home to more than 3000 species and types of snakes, some small, others totally harmless, but without a doubt, the ones that interest us most are the large snakes, and of course, the poisonous ones. Let's see a short summary of these two groups.
How snakes are born: snake eggs
How snakes are born: snake eggs
Like all reptiles, snakes are oviparous, that is, they lay eggs. In the case of the boa, this is an ovoviviparous type, since it lays eggs but incubates them inside until they hatch. From the evolutionary point of view, the development of the amniotic egg was a great advantage for the adaptation of these animals. Surrounded by amniotic fluid and with the presence of a yolk that gives food to the young, it can survive throughout the incubation period without difficulties, in addition to the shell of the egg prevents dehydration. The reproduction process of snakes usually occurs during spring and summer, although this will also be conditioned by the availability of food and climatic variables. The male will call the attention of the females and will fight with his adversaries and then copulate the female. After the mating, the male will continue his way, partly forced by the female who will adopt aggressive behavior in the future. Generally, the incubation period will take between two and five months. After the hatching, the mother will leave the nest, and the new offspring should take care of themselves from that moment.
What snakes eat
What snakes eat
La alimentación de las serpientes es de tipo carnívora, por lo que su dieta se compone de mamíferos, aves, insectos, peces, anfibios, e incluso ejemplares de su misma especie. Al no poseer estructuras dentales apropiadas, las serpientes deben engullir completamente a su presa (pueden consumir animales que superan su tamaño).
Durante la digestión, una serpiente permanecerá completamente inmóvil con tal de reponer las energías gastadas. Además, y dado el largo proceso de digestión, estos animales pueden pasar meses sin alimentarse. Al mismo tiempo, algunas especies se valen de su veneno para quebrar los tejidos de la presa. Aunque las serpientes venenosas son muy conocidas, también existe otro grupo que emplea la estrangulación como técnica de caza, estas son las serpientes constrictoras.
Como mencionábamos anteriormente, las mandíbulas de estos reptiles son extremadamente flexibles, por lo que pueden engullir animales muy grandes, como ciervos, monos y antílopes, aunque también se alimentan de huevos, caracoles, lagartijas, insectos y roedores, siempre comenzando por la cabeza. Se ha podido comprobar que las serpientes utilizan carnadas como gusanos y pequeños insectos para atraer a sus presas y devorarlas.
Where snakes live
Where snakes live
Las serpientes tienen muy pocos depredadores naturales: felinos, armadillos, mangostas, cocodrilos e incluso culebras que se alimentan de serpientes. Fuera de esto, el ser humano es el único responsable de la conservación de estas especies.
En muchos países, la carne de serpiente es muy solicitada, aunque la deforestación y la urbanización de algunas regiones también atenta contra la vida de estos reptiles. Con respecto a su hábitat, las serpientes no acostumbran a desplazarse grandes distancias, por lo que son habituales en regiones selváticas y zonas tropicales de temperaturas constantes.
Aun así, estos animales también pueden ser vistos en desiertos y sabanas, bajo la tierra, en el agua, y hasta en los árboles.
Origin and evolution
Origin and evolution
Snakes exist on our planet about 150 million years ago. The fossil remains found have been able to determine that the evolutionary origins of the snakes these species evolved from aquatic lizards that could reach up to 15 meters in length. However, snakes have reduced their size over time, something that can be explained by migration from water to land. The articulated jaws are also a sign of evolution in snakes. In addition, it was believed that these animals had limbs and ears that disappeared gradually.
how are snakes sense
how are snake sense
The vast majority of snakes present a very poor sense of vision, which is why they must use their language to recognize odors and interact with the environment around them. With a characteristic movement up and down, these reptiles show their tongue and return it to the mouth to analyze the information and discover if it is food or an imminent danger that lurks.
Being bifida, its tongue is able to recognize a wide spectrum of aromas, and even the direction from which such smells come. On the other hand, it is necessary to emphasize that snakes do not have ears, and to listen, they rely on the vibrations of the ground. However, some species have infrared vision, which allows them to determine the heat of objects and animals around them. Through their senses, snakes can even expel the food they have just swallowed, in case they should escape.
How snakes move
How snakes move
Having no limbs, these animals must use their powerful scales to move through the terrain. Specifically, the ventral scales are those that favor forward movement and prevent the snake from deviating to the sides. Through small undulations that he makes with his body, the snakes manage to move at great speed, and so powerful are his ventral scales, that in some occasions, he can move even in a straight line.
Characteristics of snakes
Characteristics of snakes
There are snakes that can measure from 10 cm to 10 meters in length. The skeleton of these amazing reptiles is composed of a large number of vertebrae. For example, pythons have 400 of these bony structures, while vipers have only 200.
If it is the jaws, the vast majority of snakes have very strong muscles, capable of devouring huge prey in a few hours. In addition, the upper jaw is not tightly fixed to the skull, which gives it greater flexibility to swallow large animals in one piece.
Another feature common to snakes is the absence of limbs, although it has been found that pythons and boas have very tiny limbs on the back (however, do not participate in locomotion, but in reproductive work).
On the other hand, the tail of these cold-blooded animals represents 20% of the length of their body, and this in turn is covered by a skin of scales. The eyelids of snakes are also transparent scales and are always closed.
Every so often, the skin is renewed at one time, something that allows snakes to eliminate parasites and recover from wounds.
Size: 10 cm - 6 metersClass: SauropsidaOrder: SquamataScientific name: SerpentesNumber of species: 3500Weight: 200 grams - 100 kilogramsLongevity: 9 yearsFeeding: CarnivoreDiet: All kinds of animalsReproduction: OvíparaDistribution: The entire planet except AntarcticaIncubation period: 2 - 5 monthsOrigin: 280 million years
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