viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

snake real coralillo

It is also called a rattrap or milk snake, since it was often found near cattle stables and the belief that it was stealing milk from cows spread all over the world. It measures between 30 centimeters and 2 meters in length, its coloration resembles the coral snake Micrurus fulvius, although the sequence of colors is different.

It usually has 2 color patterns, the first is bicolored, red and black; the other one is tricolor, red, black and yellow, or orange, or white, in these the red ones go inside 2 black lines. The head is black. The tongue is black. Its habitat is very diverse, it is found in semi-arid to humid areas, low areas, rocky mountains, forests, hills, savannas, meadows, sand dunes. This is an ophidian with a great distribution, from Canada, Mexico, Central America to South America. Its diet consists mainly of rodents, birds, eggs, amphibians, insects and even other snakes.

picture of snake


Snakes or snakes are a type of reptile that is characterized mainly by the lack of legs. Its anatomy, characterized by an elongated body, is prepared to allow a movement without the need for limbs: they can move comfortably both on land and in water. They have skin covered with scales, a skeleton that gives them a lot of flexibility and a forked tongue. Some species kill their prey by constriction - for example, boas - but others do it by means of the poison they inoculate with their teeth when they bite their victims. All members of this species are carnivorous animals.

The most beautiful snakes without poison

The king snake: it is small and suitable to have it as a pet. It is able to dominate other snakes, even being poisonous as corals or rattles, since it does not affect the venom of these.
The snakes without poison are calm and can be the perfect pets, but we have to have them in the right conditions, with a terrarium adapted to their size and species, and having to feed them with live prey.

It is difficult to make a selection. If you like these reptiles, they will all look pretty, although there are some that by their colors or size can fascinate you even more. Our small selection of the five nicest non-venomous snakes is as follows

The most beautiful snakes without poison

Snakes are reptiles without legs, with a long and scaly body in their dorsal part. The belly of the snakes is covered by thin parts. They do not have eyelids and their eyes remain immobile.

They have an extremely long tongue so that they can project it outwards thanks to the structure of their jaws.

Main characteristics of snakes
The main characteristics of these reptiles are:

Its skeleton: made up of the bony head, the spine and the ribs that are supported by the vertebrae.
His mouth: they can open their mouths enormously because their jaw is joined to the bones by elastic ligaments. In its lower part, the jaw is joined to the skull by the square bone, which is a long, movable bone that enables the skull and jaw to separate. They swallow their whole prey, without cutting or chewing them, starting at the head and making it progress slowly through their digestive tract. The larger the prey, the more the bones of your jaw will separate to expand your oral cavity. The position of its teeth is tilted inward so that once the prey is inside, it can not back off.
Locomotion: move with serpentine, undulating or straight movements.
Different types of snakes: poisonous and non-poisonous
If you like these reptiles you should know that snakes can be poisonous or not and you should know the main characteristics of them.

All snakes have teeth that serve only to retain their prey, but in the case of poisonous snakes, they also have two special teeth in front, to inject venom directly into the prey. A poison produced by their salivary glands, which in the case of poisonous snakes are called poisonous glands.

When the poisonous snake prepares to bite, the teeth are straightened and when the mouth is opened the glands are tightened to load the poison teeth. When biting, the animal inoculates the poison as if by means of an injection.

7 biggest snakes in the world

Snakes are not a holy devotion for many. Even so, we all recognize that they are incredibly designed animals with aptitudes that many of us would like. Today we are going to talk to you about the biggest snakes in the world, a curiosity that we will all like to know

The biggest snakes in the world
Before we start with our list of the biggest snakes in the world, we'll tell you something: if you see any of those that are here, run!

Anaconda green
This snake lives in South America and can measure between 4 and 5 meters and a half. Although it is true that there are other species that can measure more, the anaconda is on this list by its thickness, and can weigh about 220 kilos or more. In fact, to support his own weight, most of his life is spent in the water.

Viper yellow beard snake (Bothrops atrox)

Among the most poisonous snakes of the Amazon, we find the viper Bothrops atrox, a species that has carried out a high number of lethal attacks on human beings. This alarming amount of bites to people is explained not only by the reactive nature of the snake, but also by its great adaptation to inhabited areas. Despite living naturally in the vast forests, snakes "yellow beard" were accustomed to find abundant food in the environments of cities and towns, as human waste often attract mice, lizards, birds, etc. They are large snakes, which can easily reach 2 meters in length. They can be found in brown, olive or grayish tones, with or without streaks and spots. These vipers stand out for their very effective and ingenious hunting strategy. Thanks to an organ known as "loreal pits", which is located between its snout and its eyes, they are able to easily detect the body heat of warm-blooded animals. By identifying the presence of some prey, the snake camouflages itself among leaves, branches or other components of the road and there waits patiently until it recognizes the exact moment for a lethal attack. And they rarely fail

Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)

The famous anaconda is a constricting snake endemic to the Amazonian rivers, which makes up the family of boas. Although it is recognized as the heaviest species of snake, since it can weigh more than 220 kg, there are controversies about whether or not it is the largest. This is because the so-called reticulated python (Python reticulatus) is usually a few centimeters longer than anacondas, although its body weight is much lower.

In spite of its bad reputation conquered in great part by the films that took their name, the anacondas hardly attack the human beings, since we are not part of their trophic chain. That is, anacondas do not attack humans to feed themselves. The rare attacks of anaconda to people are defensive, when the animal feels threatened or attacked in some way. Actually, snakes in general have a rather elusive rather than aggressive character. If they can escape or hide to save energy and avoid a confrontation, surely they will.

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

evolution of snake

The evolution of snakes is a subject that keeps several questions unanswered. Much has been studied about its evolution, but the lack of prehistoric pieces makes research a little more difficult, since it is worth mentioning that the bones of skulls and some body parts are fragile and disintegrate quickly. What can be affirmed is that they belong to the genus Ophidia, from which several extinct subgroups emerge, Serpentes being the only one that survives.

Fossils found from prehistoric snakes show that they had small hind limbs. Scientists have tried to verify whether thousands or millions of years ago these reptiles were morphologically very different from what we see today.

Current Pythons and Boas still retain vestiges of such hind legs now known as anal spurs used for mating. A very strange fact is that no vestiges of forelegs have been found in any existing species.
The scientists suppose that the loss of limbs was due to a better adaptation of the body to move on paved grounds. The multiple scales that surround your body protect them from harmful elements and apart they grant them an easy mobility, to such an extent to make the extremities something unnecessary.

Another question that is tried to solve, is if the snakes come from terrestrial or aquatic species, since at present they inhabit in both ecosystems, reason why it is not known for certain if the marine ones arose in terrestrial surroundings, or the other way around.

A prevailing theory states that modern snakes evolved from aquatic lizards in the mid-Cretaceous period. 112 million years old have the oldest fossils known to date, located in Utah, the United States, and Algeria, Africa.

The mosasaurs were long marine reptiles that are now extinct. The reconstruction of its external appearance results in a long animal with a tail that finishes in tip and fins to propel itself underwater. The American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope, said that mosasaurs are close ancestors of snakes, but this was questioned the decade of the 90's by other scientists who made new discoveries.

Pachyrhachis was a genus of snakes, also extinct, from which it was concluded that they had well-developed hind legs and were very similar morphologically to marine snakes. They were found in Ein Yabrud, a town in Palestine.


The anatomy of snakes is a broad subject from which much information can be written, since each of the species is unique and contains interesting peculiarities that do not recur in other relatives.

They vary a lot in length, thickness, color and physical characteristics. A python is very different from a cobra; a black mamba is also very different from a rattle. All these variations are related to their type of life, their habitat, the techniques of capture and their ancestors.

The green snake is the anaconda, but in length it can be overcome by the reticulated python.

The Barbados thread snake (Leptotyphlops carlae) is considered to be one of the smallest species in the world, if not the smallest with only 10 cm long. The thickest and heaviest is the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) with more than 200 kilos, but in length it can be surpassed by the reticulated python (Python reticulatus), which reaches 7 meters in length in the most colossal specimens.

If that data is surprising, there are records of genres whose exponents were more than 12 meters long! but today they are extinct. Can you imagine finding something like that?
Undoubtedly, two of its greatest notoriety is the forked tongue and the scaly skin that covers every centimeter of its elongated body. This rigid skin allows them to slide smoothly through difficult terrain covered with stones, sand or earth and reduce friction. They move continuously to replace their worn cover, which also serves for the elimination of parasites. Continuing with the skin, we can not forget to mention the beautiful coloration that each snake presents. It does not matter if it is of a uniform tone or if it contains circular designs, stripes or diamond-shaped spots, it is a natural work of art that has fascinated researchers and people who have had the opportunity to see them live. Green, orange, yellow, black, red, blue, brown, white, cream and gray are part of the wide range of colors that can conform the skin of snakes.

snake game

Black snakes with yellow rings in Georgia

The hot summers and mild winters of Georgia make it a popular habitat for a large number of snakes. More than 40 species of snakes inhabit the state, many of which are black with yellow rings. Some species have yellow rings to warn potential predators of their poisonous bite, while others use yellow coloration to create an optical illusion to evade predators.